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Insurance Law

Insurance Law

Petrov Law Firm has extensive experience in the area of Insurance Law. This division of law is a very dynamic one and is prone to changes over time. Our experts have been reviewing all current legal changes in this area.
We offer comprehensive services in terms of:

– Comprehensive legal analysis when making any contract for property insurance or third party liability insurance;
– Drafting or comprehensive review of contracts and general terms and conditions related to property insurance and third party liability insurance;
– Assistance in case of an insured event;
– Legal representation in disputes regarding third party liability insurance.

– Negotiating the payment of insurance indemnity;
– Reviewing the legality of the refusal of an insurance claim on the part of the insurer;
– Appealing against the refusal in court.

– Making agreements out of court, or in court;
– Assistance in case of an insured event;
– Assistance with obtaining compensation under an out-of-court settlement;
– Procedural representation in claiming compensation in court.